Thursday 5 January 2012

Californian Christmas

Well Hello!

Its been quite a while since my last post and it feels as though a lot has happened. Although, when I really think about what events have occurred, its just everyday life stuff.  Birthdays, Christmas, visitors, holidays; these are all things that everyone has going on across the globe.  It's this fact that sometimes stalls my blogging.  Can I make the 'everyday' interesting enough to post?
Anyway, I shall press on.

December 1st was our 10th Wedding Anniversary.  It seems to have passed rather quickly, I guess that's a good sign?  I never would have thought we'd be living in California when we said our vows 10 years ago.  We were very blessed by Ben's revival group and were given money to spend out at a lovely restaurant for dinner and they even pitched in and bought me a beautiful necklace.  We were both very touched by the generosity of fellow students, whom we know are also living pretty close to the wire financially.  The culture of giving is amazing here.  The offering each Sunday is one of my favourite parts of the service.  Can you believe that?

My parents came and stayed with us for 3.5 weeks over Christmas and in fact left just yesterday.  Sam cried all the way home from the airport after declaring 'I didn't want them to ever leave!'.  We enjoyed trips to the library and the shops together.  Grandma was dishing out the tictacs like nobodies business and Grandad played more games of 'this little piggy' than I'm sure he thought possible.  My washing pile not only got under control but disappeared as Mum worked her magic.  My sink was the cleanest its been since we moved in.  I have a suspicion she also cleaned the bathroom before she left.......
It was wonderful to have them here for Christmas.  Present time was the usual heady mix of fun and craziness that comes with having kids.  Lego was built and sometimes Grandad even let Sam have a turn. Haha! New jumpers were forced over existing one's in order to model the upgrade and new pajamas were also on show immediately.  We ate turkey and stuffing and too much chocolate.  It was a great day.

I forgot to mention that in the week before Christmas, Ben made a quick trip to Australia for the wedding of some very close friends of ours.  I was pretty sad that I couldn't make it as well but as my Dad would say 'dem's the breaks, kid'.  Ben returned late afternoon Christmas Eve.  When we arrived to pick him up from the airport, there was quite a crowd of people waiting for the plane.  Something was going on.  As we waited, a bunch of older gentlemen formed a guard of honour, each holding the US flag.  Right next to me, waited a woman about my age holding a toddler.  She was looking anxiously towards the arrival doors and started to shake and cry when she saw her husband, a returned soldier walk across the tarmac.  It was a very special moment and I felt so honoured to be there.  As the couple were reunited, I heard the soldier say to his little boy, 'Hi fella! I'm your Daddy'.  Needless to say, I was reminded of how blessed we were to be getting Ben back after just a week away.

A sad consequence of Ben being away was that he missed Sam's 6th birthday.  It was also Sam's class Christmas party at school so the boy was in party heaven.  I went in and dropped off some cupcakes and sang 'happy birthday' with his class.  His teacher, the lovely Miss Brown, also asked a few kids to pray for him and bless him on his special day. It was just another moment in which I was so very thankful for Bethel and it's culture of Love.

The day before Mum and Dad left, we drove up to Mt Shasta to see the snow and go tobogganing.  Many happy memories were created, the best being watching Mum and Dad come down together on a toboggan.  Oh I haven't laughed that hard in ages.  The boys had a blast and were climbing higher and higher up the slope the more confident they became.  Hannah hated it until about 10 mins before we had to leave, then chucked a fit because it was over.  *sigh*


All in all, things are travelling pretty smoothly. Ben and the kids go back to school on Monday and I think I am ready to get back into some routine, although don't ask me at 6am Monday morning.

We pray that as you step into 2012, you would know and encounter the immense Love of God for you.  His total Goodness and the Hope that comes from knowing Him.  There is always More.

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